The Anti-Spiral is the main antagonist of the popular anime series Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann and the overarching antagonist of the Lordgnome arc. It is the collective consciousness and the ruler of the Anti-Spiral Race, who seeks to purge the universe of all Spiral beings in order to prevent them from triggering the Spiral Nemesis and is also the master of Lord Lordgnome. Upon returning to Earth, years later to wipe out humanity, it comes into conflict with Simon, becoming his arch-nemesis.
It was voiced by Takaya Kamikawa in the Japanese version and Dave Mallow in the English dubbed version.
Actions & Characteristics[]
- The Anti-Spiral is easily the most heinous and influential villain in the entire Gurren Lagann series.
- It elaborately wipes out entire populations on many planets and along with its planets, just out of fear of them triggering the Spiral Nemesis and takes a anaylsis on Nia, which is so bad that it is on the level of sexual assault.
- Unlike most villains, who have a certain direction towards they work, the Antispiral is only bound towards extending fear and evil, thus making an existential threat to the universe.
- It may extend it’s corruption, even to powerful warriors, like Lord Lordgnome and can even manipulate events to keep up with it’s superiority over those weaker than it is.
- It has a enormous amount of influence, being that it is genocidal actions and malevolent influence corrupt Lord Lordgnome and being the origin of most of the main cast, like Simon and Nia, as well as being the arch-nemesis of the former due to being responsible for the deaths of Kamina and Nia.
- It is is basically the equivalent of God in the Gurren Lagann universe, as it can manipulate reality and has near knowledge over the entire universe, along with having the power to time travel, mind and biology manipulation, power mimicry, dimension traveling and renegeration. Being the collective consciousness of a race of incredibly advanced and knowledgeable beings who have been around for eons, It was an outstanding intellect, as it was able to design and create weapons like the Death Spiral Machine, Ashtanga, and having incredible foresight as it found a idea of utilizing the multiverse itself and formulate a complex plan to inflict absolute despair onto the Spiral’s of Earth.
Intelligence | 5 / 5 | |
Skills | 5 / 5 | |
Speed | 5 / 5 | |
Stamina | 5 / 5 | |
Strength | 5 / 5 |
For information on stats, review the stats page.
External Links[]
- Anti-Spiral on the Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Wiki
- Anti-Spiral on the Villains Wiki
- Anti-Spiral on the Inconsistently Heinous Wiki