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Wow! If I had known that these ponies were more compatible with me instead of all these mindless forest animals, I would never have lost in such a sad way. I need even more food. Now that I can control them.
~ Bora marvels at the possibility of successfully infecting Equestrians after infecting Golden Harvest.
Spike: Wait! What happened to you?

Bora the Invader: What do you mean, "me"? What do you mean, me?
Spike: I read a book about you. The ponies in it defeated you. How come you came back?
Bora the Invader: Oh, you mean that. The ponies you speak of never defeated me. I only had one unfortunate encounter with a dangerous creature.
Spike: A dangerous creature? Even more dangerous than you?
Bora the Invader: A strange rooster with the body of a dragon. That coward turned me to stone before I could attack him. Because of that, my children couldn't communicate with me. Little by little, they were destroyed until only I was left. I don't know how much time passed, but considering how much Ponyville Village has advanced, I'd guess it was decades. Now that I remember it clearly, I realized that this pony was the one responsible for my return. Oddly enough, she was the only one who managed to defeat that dragon cock, which freed me too. It's a pity I didn't realize it earlier. I would have let her live. After that, all I had to do was wait for the opportunity to assimilate another body. And as luck would have it, the scared rabbit hid right where I hid. That was until a little foal found me. And now here we are. In any case, I have to go.

~ Bora explains to Spike the reason for his return.

Bora the Invader is the titular main antagonist of the fan animation My little Parasite by IgumiiArt.

He is the only worm of his kind that has the ability to adapt by absorbing various organic matter. He was one of the first living beings in Equestria capable of parthenogenesis, obtained as a result of the "Medicine Worm" project, gaining the ability to inhabit and control the bodies of living beings, and using them as a refuge for himself. He is responsible for the mass infestation of the population of Equestria and the lands beyond with representatives of his kind, in an effort to become the only dominant living organism in the entire world.

Actions and Characteristics[]

  • He is directly responsible for everything horrible that has happened within the story, as after developing an alternate adaptation ability by consuming and infecting the flesh of living beings, he turned countless animals and citizens of Equestria into Infected in his quest to spread his influence across the lands of Equestria and beyond. Along the way, he personally killed and infected almost all of Applejack's family, infected Princess Cadance, and indirectly infected Sweetie Belle by forcing Twilight to kill the latter two. He also infected almost all of the Mane 6 (except Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Spike, who was able to retain his personality despite being infected), eventually making them his subordinates, forcing them to kill and infect other citizens of Equestria. He is also the reason why the zebra population was forced to disperse throughout Equestria out of fear of being infected.
  • He is undoubtedly the most vile antagonist of the story, surpassing even the likes of Discord in terms of vileness, as his quest to become the sole dominant organism in Equestria and beyond resulted in the death of millions of living beings across the planet during its infestation, and he even personally killed countless characters both directly and indirectly out of pure sadism and a narcissistic sense of superiority over others.
  • He is the strongest character in the story, as his host body alteration skill allows him to create any combat form for himself, develop adaptations to any physical and magical attack by absorbing infected or uninfected living beings with immunity to these same attacks, replace any bone elements of the host's skeleton with worm-like appendages, share and receive information from members of his species about any enemy they fight. He also has superhuman strength, speed, reflexes, as well as unlimited stamina and endurance. Despite his worm-like physiology, he has an incredibly high level of intelligence, allowing him to build well-thought-out strategic and tactical plans with the tiniest attention to detail. And thanks to his charisma and cunning, he is able to calmly fit into any society in any form of his host, remaining undetected for a long time and remaining safe thanks to the distraction of his species.
  • While it can be argued that he has issues with moral agency due to the fact that he became a psychopathic egotist with a need to consume the flesh of living organisms as a result of the experiments, his final personality shows that he retains full sanity and control over his actions. This is also proven by his ability to have full access to the memories of all infected, giving him enough intelligence and sadism to manipulate and abuse the infected who retain moral agency due to their memories, as well as his enemies, in order to break them psychologically.


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