The Ultimate Evil Wiki

Queen Nerissa, more commonly known as Chelsea Van Der Zee, is the main antagonist of the 44th animated Dreamworks film Ruby Gillman: Teenage Kraken.

Appearing at first as a pleasant new girl with a magnetic personality at Oceanside High School, she quickly became popular among the other students. Underlying her appealing façade, she would later reveal herself to be none other than the queen of the Mermaids who had waged war against the Kraken in the past. She is the arch-nemesis of Ruby Gillman and her entire family.

Actions and Characteristics[]

  • Given that she is the queen of the adverse Mermaids who had decimated the Kraken species, her negative influence is easily the greatest among any antagonist. Throughout the story itself, she also does the most entirely on her own to manipulate Ruby into aiding her.
  • She is without comparison the most evil character in the story, having carried out carnage that reduced the Kraken species to near extinction. Although Mermaids of her sort are generally evil in universe, she is also the only member of her species shown heinous enough to individually incorporate casualties comprised of innocent people. In tossing back Ruby and shaking up the tidal wave, she proved (especially with her clear intention of such) how deadly she truly is in her willingness to go as far as brutally murdering completely uninvolved and helpless teenagers
  • As the only member of her species fit to wield the Trident, her title as queen is likely connected to her being the most powerful member. In possession of the Trident, her true power is brought to light in it granting her abilities to claim full control over the sea.


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            DreamWorksThe Ultimate Evils

Animated Features
General Mandible | Melisha Tweedy | Tighten | Lord Shen | Drago Bludvist | Dave | Professor Poopypants | Chelsea Van Der Zee

Animated Television
Ke-Pa | Bloodwolf | Bellroc

Live-Action Features
Judge Turpin
