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The Playland Toys Store

The Ultimate Evil of Child's Play

Child's Play is an American slasher/horror comedy franchise by Don Mancini debuting in 1988 with the aptly-named Child's Play. In the franchise, there is no one as powerful and influential as Damballa, a highly important Loa in Voodoo also believed to be the Sky Father and primordial creator of all life.


Starting in 1988, the franchise follows the serial killer Charles "Chucky" Lee Ray, who, when he was fatally shot, places his soul into a Good Guy Doll. That doll would eventually end up in the hands of Andy Barclay who is the main suspect for a series of murders. Chucky spends the two sequels trying to transfer his soul into Andy's body or others learning that the longer he stayed in the doll body, the more human it became.

After the third film, the series takes on a more comedic tone introducing Tiffany Valentine, an accomplice of Chucky, in Bride until Mancini returned the franchise to its horror roots with Cult of Chucky in 2017. In 2021, a TV series was announced and is currently airing on SYFY.

Close Contenders to the Ultimate Evil[]



Chucky is the main antagonist of the franchise. The infamous Lakeshore Strangler, Chucky was once a man named Charles Lee Ray whose killing spree inadvertently led him to be chased down to a toy store by Detective Mike Norris. Fatally wounded, Chucky uses a Voodoo ritual to transfer his soul into a Good Guy Doll. Chucky is definitely the most evil character in the series: as revealed in the TV show, Chucky was always a psychopathic monster starting his serial killer career by murdering his own loving mother to impress an active serial killer. He only grew worse as the films progressed with him accumulating a large kill count. Season 1 of Chucky sees him as his most deranged: planning on shipping clones of himself throughout the United States so he would go down as the most infamous serial killer in history. He also has influence: he destroys Andy Barclay's innocence causing him to become paranoid and an alcoholic in adulthood. He kidnaps Nica Pierce's mother and stabs her in the womb resulting in Nica becoming crippled.

However, while Chucky was dangerously close to being the ultimate evil of child's play he still fails to Damballa in overall power: in season 3, Chucky rapidly begins to age. Due to the events of the second season, he had lost favor with Damballa after becoming tainted with "Christian magic" in reference to the exorcism that was performed on Nica. As such, Chucky tries to enact an ancient ritual that consists of killing six people in a house to rekindle Damballa's favor.

Tiffany Valentine[]

Tiffany Valentine

Chucky's on-again/off-again girlfriend and eventual wife, Tiffany gleefully assists Chucky in a lot of his murderous plans before breaking off from him in the television series. She also kidnaps the real Jennifer Tilly and kept her prisoner and, upon becoming infatuated with Nica, goes as far as to cut off her limbs since Chucky's soul still resided inside of her. Season 1 reveals that Tiffany helped kickstart the series: after being angered by Chucky going on killings without her, she contacts the police leading to the events of the first film.

However, Tiffany is disqualified largely because she still had some redeeming factors such as genuinely loving her children and stood between her ex-husband when he was trying to get revenge on Jake, Devon, and Lexi.

The Hackensack Slasher[]


The overarching antagonist of the TV horror comedy series. Back in the mid-1960s, he was known for killing several people in Hackensaw, New Jersey. A news announcer mentioned that the Hackensack Slasher murdered at least 19 people. He also murdered Peter Ray right in front of his son, Charles.

However despite how certainly heinous he may be, he fails in power and influence to Damballa. Not to mention he lacks characterization.

Dr. Mixter[]


As revealed in season 2, Dr. Amanda Mixter was the one who helped to mold Chucky into becoming the remorseless serial killer he was. She took her time quashing out any hint of humanity he had within him, and was also the one who gave him the idea to convince one of the children to commit a cold-blooded murder to initiate his world domination plan and expresses willingness to unleash Chucky back on the world again.

However, she fails in terms of influence and power, and Chucky eventually backstabs her.
