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Damballa is the overarching antagonist of the Child's Play franchise. It is an influential force, and it is a voodoo spirit whose power was used by the dying Charles Lee "Chucky" Ray to transfer his soul into his body through chanting. dolls. Additionally, their singing has attempted to use Chucky for various other means, such as resurrection or returning to a human body, with varying degrees of success. It is also the source of power for Charles Lee Ray/Chucky himself, as well as the namesake amulet known as the Heart of Damballa, used twice by Chucky and his ex-wife Tiffany.

Damballa is a Loa from the Voodoo tradition and a spirit associated with death. However, in terms of fictional villainy, Damballa is known as one of the central forces in the popular Child's Play universe – as an entity that Chucky summons through a mysterious voodoo chant to gain immortality, as well as a spirit that Chucky tries to summon. whenever he engages in a specific soul transfer spell.

Actions and Characteristics[]

  • Damballa is an all-powerful being known as the Sky Father and the primordial creator of all life. As such, Damballa's powers greatly outnumber Chucky's. In season 3, Damballa removes Chucky's abilities leaving him to rapidly age in his doll body out of offense at him being tainted with "Christian magic" particularly Catholicism when he underwent an exorcism in season 2.
  • He is the reason Chucky returns repeatedly since he is invoked any time Chucky conducts a ritual.
  • Damballa can be blamed for several of the events of the franchise.


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