The Ultimate Evil Wiki

The humans know me as Dr. Octavius Brine: renowned geneticist, cheese enthusiast, and frequent donor to NPR pledge drives. But you know me by a different, much older name. A name perhaps you'd hoped you'd never hear again. A phantom! A shadow of a former life! I... am... DAVE!!!
~ Dave introducing himself to the penguins, his most famous quote.

Dr. David Styroker "Dave" Brine, also known in his human form as Dr. Octavius Brine, is the main antagonist of DreamWorks' 30th full-length animated feature film, Penguins of Madagascar: The Movie, a spinoff to the Madagascar franchise.

He is an octopus, a former performer at the Central Park Zoo in New York City, and a world award-winning scientist. He is also Skipper, Kowalski, Rico and Private's arch-nemesis in the Madagascar movie canon.

He was voiced by John Malkovich.

Actions and Characteristics[]

  • Unlike most of the other villains, Dave stood out due to being the most heinous one. He kidnapped, imprisoned, and turned penguins into monsters which would be worse than killing them, he tried to get revenge on several other species, and he even tried to destroy the world.
  • While he did have comedic moments such as having his name always spelt wrong by Skipper just like every other villain, he was still the most serious villain due to all of his crimes being taken seriously.
  • He was the most powerful character in the franchise due to having his octopi and several deadly inventions he used to turn penguins into monsters as well as his charisma.
  • He was the most influential villain in the franchise due to kidnapping Private and the other penguins and attempting to destroy the world.


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            DreamWorksThe Ultimate Evils

Animated Features
General Mandible | Melisha Tweedy | Tighten | Lord Shen | Drago Bludvist | Dave | Professor Poopypants | Chelsea Van Der Zee

Animated Television
Ke-Pa | Bloodwolf | Bellroc

Live-Action Features
Judge Turpin
