The Ultimate Evil Wiki

William Wharton Mature

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I made my family disappear.
~ Kevin remembering when he murdered his family.

Kevin McCallister is the main protagonist of the 2019 YouTube short film Rated-R Home Alone by Corridor, unlike the usual Kevin we all know and love, this one is a murderous and violent child who invites guests over to the house to kill them.

Just like his counterpart, he is portrayed by Macaulay Culkin in his first villainous fanon role.

Actions and Characteristics[]

  • He is the most heinous character in the video as he killed his entire family and put Harry, Marv, Larry and Mark through incredibly deadly and brutal traps.
  • He had the most resources due to being intelligent enough to make lethal traps and being able to use several weapons.
  • He was the most influential character as he killed his family causing him to be home alone letting Harry and Marv to try to rob his house.
  • Despite being a brutal parody of the mainstream Kevin McCallister, all of his crimes were taken seriously in-universe.


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  • His Ultimate Evil status is ironic, as his original version is the Ultimate Good.