The Ultimate Evil Wiki

King Dedede is the main antagonist of 2023 YouTube series The Gem. He started out as a wealthy yet anonymous client, but after his true role in orchestrating the events of the series came to light, he became the Big Bad of the series. King Dedede is now the sole monarch of The Kingdom, ruling it with an iron fist and constructing illegal weapons behind closed doors.

He is voiced by JJnEverything.

Actions and Characteristics[]

  • King Dedede is by far the most heinous and evil character in The Gem. Meta Knight, Red, and the Shadow all serve under Dedede, and Bowser is redeemed. King Dedede solely manipulated the entire series and murdered Luigi with zero remorse given, even laughing it off. He clearly does not care for human lives, even those who serve him, as seen when he shot Bowser. By the end of Season 2, his kill count is likely in the thousands, after blowing up the entire Kingdom and everyone in it.
  • King Dedede is easily the most influential antagonist in the work as well. All antagonists have worked for him at some point, and without him, the entire conflict of the work does not happen. As stated before, he manipulated the entirety of Season 1 by hiring Mario, Luigi, Kirby, and Bowser to obtain the Gem, but kept his identity hidden so they would think they were hired by different people, sparking the conflict. It was his actions that set Season 2 into motion, and ultimately the sequel series Whispers of Fate as well, due to his destruction of the Kingdom.
  • He is one of most dangerous antagonists, having killed thousands of innocent people when he destroyed the Kingdom. He also holds both the Gem and the Elixir, and is likely able to wield their magic together.
  • King Dedede being the most powerful antagonist is more of a stretch. In terms of physical strength, he does not surpass the likes of Meta Knight nor The Shadow. However, King Dedede holds control of an entire Kingdom, and on terms of a hierarchical scale, definitely has the most power. By the end of Season 2, he has obtained both the Gem and the Elixir, thus making him one of, if not the most powerful character in the series. However, this power has never been shown directly onscreen so far.
  • While he is mostly seen laughing in his appearances, this is not played for comedy and more so to demonstrate how much Dedede enjoys doing heinous actions.
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