The Ultimate Evil Wiki
The Ultimate Evil Wiki

Melisha Tweedy, sometimes called Mrs. Tweedy is the main antagonist of the Chicken Run film series. She was the former dictator of the chicken farm and the arch-nemesis of Ginger the Chicken.

Actions and Characteristics[]

  • Melisha Tweedy is the evilest character in the Chicken Run duology of films. She is a sociopathic, malicious woman who takes sadistic delight in killing chickens. While the first film kept it ambiguous if she knew the chickens she ruled over were sapient, the sequel makes it clear that she acknowledges that they are intelligent creatures but nevertheless is driven to get revenge on all of chickenkind for her humiliating defeat in the first film. In the first movie, she tries to make Ginger and the others into pies to make a profit. In the sequel, her plan is even more disturbing: she places collars on the chickens brainwashing them into happily walking into a nugget-making machine. She threatens to decapitate Ginger's daughter as well when Ginger tried to intervene. In addition, she was a cruel abuser to her own two husbands Mr. Tweedy and Dr. Fry.
  • She had the most influence ruling the farm with an iron fist and later becomes the CEO of Fun Land Farms where she was planning to exact her revenge and additionally make a profit.
  • She is cunning and manipulative and, aside from her humiliating defeats, she darkens the tone of both films with her presence and ruthlessness.
  • She herself is shown to be able to take a considerable amount of damage having survived falling into her pie-making machine when it exploded as well as having a door fall on her. Melisha. Tweedy pulls the same feat at the end of Dawn of the Nugget assuming she truly survived this time around.


  • Before the second film, she was not The Ultimate Evil of Chicken Run because she was insufficiently heinous since she didn't know of the chickens' sapience until the very end of the movie and right before her supposed death. However, due to the second movie's release, where she tries to get revenge on the chickens and even puts some in fates worse than death, despite knowing their sapience, she is classified as not only Pure Evil, but also the Ultimate Evil of Chicken Run.


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           Netflix Logo TUEs

Animated Features
PAL | Agatha Trunchbull | Melisha Tweedy

Live-Action Features

Animated Television
Death | Queen Dagmar

Live-Action Television
Agatha Cackle | Captain Frederick Gideon | Monty de la Cruz | Mind Flayer | The Sinister Duo

            DreamWorksThe Ultimate Evils

Animated Features
General Mandible | Melisha Tweedy | Tighten | Lord Shen | Drago Bludvist | Dave | Professor Poopypants | Chelsea Van Der Zee

Animated Television
Ke-Pa | Bloodwolf | Bellroc

Live-Action Features
Judge Turpin
