The Ultimate Evil Wiki

Mother Brain is one of the overarching antagonists of the Metroid franchise. She serves as the main antagonist of the game Metroid, one of the two main antagonists (alongside Ridley) of its remake Metroid Zero Mission, the overarching antagonist of Super Metroid and the prequel manga, Metroid Prime, Metroid: Other M and Metroid Prime: Federation Force, and a posthumous antagonist for the rest of the franchise.

She is a cold artificial intelligence created by the Chozo, but turned against them when the Space Pirates and Ridley invaded Zebes. Mother Brain saw potential in the pirates and decided to take over the Space Pirates as Leader so she could bring true order to the universe by "resetting everything back to zero".

Actions and Characteristics[]

  • She is easily the strongest enemy Samus has ever faced as she is the leader of the Space Pirates who are a universal threat and possess vast knowledge due to being the Chozo' Ai. In her new body, she could one shot Samus with a single shot and even survived having her life force being sucked out by the Baby Metroid and could only be defeated with her own Hyper Beam.
  • Even in a series full of vile villains Mother Brain stands out as one of the worst burning animals alive, betraying and committing genocide on the Chozo, killing the Baby Metroid in front of Samus, and trying to remake the entire universe to her liking by ridding it of life that is not up to her standards.
  • Her influence can be felt throughout the entire franchise as it was her that created Samus' power suit for her, Cloned Metroids to use as Bio weapons resulting in the events of every other Metroid game due to her introducing them to the universe, and lastly her traumatizing Samus due to killing the Baby Metroid and her legacy living on through her clone MB.


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