The Ultimate Evil Wiki

The Ultimate Evil of the Planet of the Apes Reboot Series

The Planet of the Apes Reboot Series is a franchise owned by 20th Century Fox, which is a retelling of the franchise that succeeds the original film series and the 2001 film. With the themes being xenophobia and war, it enables many heinous villains to emerge with horrible crimes committed against both the humans and apes. However, Proximus Caesar manages to be the Ultimate Evil of the series compared to others.


The first film in 2011, Rise, focuses on Caesar and his adoptive human father, Will Rodman, who raises the former into gaining high cognitivity thanks to the ALZ drugs, which later mutate into the Simian Flu, causing a depletion in the human population and leaving the evolved apes and the humans divided, and later into a war instigated by the series' main antagonist, Koba, since Dawn. The latest film in 2024, Kingdom, takes place hundreds of years after the events of War, where humans have devolved into primitive ways, while the apes reign superior under Proximus' rule.

Close Contenders to be the Ultimate Evil[]

Steven Jacobs[]


Steven Jacobs

The overarching antagonist of the franchise. He is the CEO of Gen-Sys Laboratories, who manufactured the ALZ drugs that became the Simian Flu. He did such production through cruelly testing on various apes, with a notable victim being Koba, making Jacobs the cause of his hatred towards humanity and later the indirect downfall of mankind.

Despite having arguably the most influence in the series by being the Greater-Scope villain and the cause of Koba's villainy, he isn't remotely heinous enough for the TUE category as the worst he does is merely torture several apes, which was treated as legal in the nation, and his cause of Koba's villainy and the Simian Flu outbreak is completely after his death, making it too indirect.




The main antagonist of the franchise. He was once subjected to horrible atrocities, including the experimenting ordered by the aforementioned Steven Jacobs, which molded him into a xenophobic warmonger as of the second film. He reveals his worst by fatally wounding Caesar and endangering and killing many apes and humans by waging war against the latter faction, which haunts Caesar even towards the third film.

While clearly meeting the scale of heinousness and power, and having more influence than Proximus, he is still far less evil than the latter due to his highly tragic background and the continuous sympathy given in the novelization (what caused him to lose the TUE status).

Colonel McCullough[]


Colonel McCullough

The secondary antagonist of the franchise. He is the leader of the paramilitary force, the Alpha-Omega, who with extremist goals, sought to wipe out the Ape Colony in San Francisco. He was willing to use extremely harsh methods to achieve his plan, including killing scientists who got the Simian Flu (and his son too), killing Caesar's family, and subjecting many apes to torturous slavery. This also proved to be the extended downfall of humanity as a consequence, much like Jacobs' experiments.

However, much like Koba, he is also less evil and heinous than Proximus Caesar, as his crimes, despite being unforgivable, are still well-intentioned with the goal of preserving humanity from extinction, along with being treated sympathetically where he was forced to kill his son and regretted it since. He is also beaten by the other two Close Contenders in influence, as he only had major impacts in one film.
