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Salem RWBY

The Ultimate Evil of RWBY

RWBY is a web series created by Monty Oum, and throughout the series it had some notorious villains but none more so than Salem.


The story follows four Huntress, Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, and Yang Xiao Long, as the attend Beacon Academy and train to become Huntresses to defeat the creatures of Grimm.

Close Contenders for The Ultimate Evil[]

God of Light[]

He is the creator and God of Remanant who despite his status as the God of Light and creation is two of the instigators of the plot of RWBY, alongside the God of Darkness. He was also the one who helped destroy the original humanity because of a single uprising of a few kingdoms and will wipe out Remnant if he and his brother ever return if they find humanity irredeemable in their eyes and is responsible for the events of the whole series by cursing Salem with immortality, giving Ozpin the task of uniting humanity, which makes him indirectly responsible for the creation of the Huntsman Academies. It's also safe to say that he is far more powerful than her due to his status as a god and he mostly lacks any real redeeming qualities alongside his brother,

However despite the fact that he clearly clears the criteria for having the potential to be TUE, he simply fails The Most Evil criteria, as he doesn't show awareness of how much pain and damage it causes people and has a flawed view on humanity and balance as well as well as being neutral and also a anti-villain who just wants whats best for everyone.

God of Darkness[]

He is two of the instigators of the plot of RWBY, as he is responsible for all of the creation of darkness and despair in the setting and the creation of numerous villains like the Curious Cat and the Ever After residents caused the conflict in Volume 9. He is also the reason why Salem became evil in the first place and has caused the numerous tragedies in the first place as well as the creation of humanity and Remnant, so this makes him the primary catalyst for the series.

In spite of all this, he is fairly neutral in most of his roles and has a flawed view on humanity and despair so he doesn't even know if he's truly evil or not and would be more "human" compared to his brother's God complex view on humanity.

Cinder Fall[]

Cinder is the current Fall Maiden, and the one responsible for the events of the first 3 volumes, and the destruction of Beacon Academy. She seeks to gain all the Maiden powers from the other Maidens, even if he has to betray her own subordinates and allies to achieve her goals.

However, she is merely a subordinate to Salem and is much weaker than her, so she cannot qualify.

Adam Taurus[]

Adam Taurus was the leader of the White Fang’s Vale branch, and Blake Belladonna’s former mentor, partner, and lover. Adam was part of the Fall of Beacon and after overthrowing Sienna Kahn, he and his allies planned to give Haven Academy the same fate as Beacon as well as planning to have the Faunus be the dominant species on Remnant with them enslaving all of humanity.

But unfortunately for him, he loses much of his power after his fellow White Fang members turn on him after trying to blow up everyone after he was surrounded by Blake’s allies and the Mistral Police. And all that was left was his single minded obsession with getting revenge on Blake. So he doesn’t qualify.

Curious Cat[]

The secret creation of the Brother Gods so they could replace them, the Curious Cat is a unique Afteran that would use their powers to heal others hearts, but overtime The Cats thirst for knowledge grew after the Gods left the Ever After. While they initially presented itself as an ally to Team RWBY, it was revealed they were merely trying to make Ruby Rose broken enough so they can possess her and travel to Remnant and get the answers they need.

However the Cat is too sympathetic, and was once a kind Afteran that enjoyed their job but their eternal curiosity and thirst for knowledge drove the Cat insane and only had influence in the Ever After so they can’t qualify.
