The Ultimate Evil of the Sonic Cinematic Universe.
The Sonic Cinematic Universe is a universe of movies based on the popular video game franchise Sonic the Hedgehog. While the franchise already has plenty of nasty baddies, none quite reach the same level as Professor Gerald Robotnik. For info regarding the character, visit: Professor Gerald Robotnik (Sonic Cinematic Universe).
The plot of the series revolves around a speedy blue hedgehog fittingly named Sonic, who traveled on the Earth to escape a group of evil echidnas who killed his mentor Longclaw. He found a group of human friends who became his family; however, he is hunted by an evil scientist, Doctor Robotnik, who wants to kill him and steal his power to take over the world.
Potential Candidates[]
Metal Sonic[]
Likely the most enigmatic antagonist in the series so far, mainly having just appeared in the post-credits' scene in the third film, yet there are already some hints of him potentially counting in the future. He comes to attack Sonic after locating him, but after missing, he sends his copies after them only for them to be dealt with by Amy.
While so far, he is certainly too enigmatic for the trope, and doesn't meet a majority of the requirements, he has already been suggested to be a rather menacing threat to Sonic, likely having plenty of more copies of himself somewhere. There could always be a chance of him potentially counting in the upcoming fourth film, if his heinousness and power is given a massive boost.
Close Contenders for the Ultimate Evil[]
Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik[]
Robotnik is a genius mad scientist who wants to rule the world. He used to work for the American government and was responsible for Azerbaijanistan ceasing to exist as a nation alongside some dirty business in Pakistan. However, when he discovered Sonic and his powers, he immediately started to haunt the blue hedgehog in order to kill him and steal his power to power his robots. He later finds out about the Master Emerald’s existence, he worked with Knuckles in order to find the powerful emerald, and when he found it, he immediately betrayed the echidna and absorbed the emerald’s power. He later created a titanic and almost invincible robot and wanted to use it to enslave humanity and conquer the multiverse. Despite initially agreeing to work with Sonic to stop Shadow, he quickly agreed to betray Sonic and his friends for the sake of supposedly ruling humanity with his grandfather Gerald. While he wasn't aware of Gerald's true plans, he still wanted to rule the entire world.
However, where Robotnik ultimately falls short is in heinousness and influence, with his grandfather Gerald and the Unnamed Echidna Warrior surpassing him in both qualities. He also falls short in terms of evilness, not only having standards against destroying the world, but even going as far as to redeem himself in the third movie.
The Unnamed Echidna Warrior[]
They used the Master Emerald to destroy entire armies. They sparked the age-old war between Echidnas and Owls. Unlike villains such as Robotnik and Gerald, they don't have any redeeming qualities. They're actions indirectly make them responsible for a majority of the events that happen in the films as their actions would indirectly lead to the Echidnas and Owls attacking each other constantly and Longclaw sacrificing herself to save Sonic.
However, they fall short in terms of heinousness as Gerald attempted to destroy the world without the Master Emerald. They also lack sufficient characterization and personality due to only appearing for 30 seconds.
Shadow the Hedgehog[]
A vengeful hedgehog working with Gerald and Ivo. He is the single strongest character in the series, and assists Gerald in his plan of destroying humanity, additionally making him one of the most heinous villains Sonic faced. He was crucial to Gerald's plan and almost killed Tom, additionally boosting his influence.
However, while he might have the power and the heinousness, he is nevertheless just Gerald's minion, and an extremely sympathetic one at that. Similarly to Ivo, Shadow ultimately ends up redeeming himself to stop Gerald.