The Ultimate Evil Wiki
The Ultimate Evil Wiki

The Skibidi Wars is a webseries created by Virlance based on the original Skibidi Toilet Series by Dafuq?!Boom!


The series involves a conflict between the titular Skibidi Toilets (a species of singing toilets with human heads) and the Alliance (a group of humanoids possessing cameras, speakers, TVs, Clocks, Drills, and Pencils for heads). In this fierce war the two factions continuously improve their weapons and units for supremacy. But eventually they’re all fighting for their lives against an army of undead. As well as dealing with rare incursions by alien titans.

Potential Candidates[]

The Toilet Necromancer[]

A dangerous being channeling the power of undeath. A ruler of the underworld and with seemingly no true physical body, instead possessing bodies as needed. His green energy is seen in all of his servants. Formerly he worked for the Toilet Emperor, but betrayed him to pursue his own goals of making the world undead and finding the Alliance’s Administrators. He doesn’t do much without his partner in crime, the Phantom Toilet.

The Phantom Toilet[]

A white ghostly woman channeling the power of death. She seems to gain more power with each kill, becoming progressively stronger. She was the one responsible for turning the Toilet Emperor to undeath when she and the Necromancer betrayed him. She holds the same goals as the Necromancer and acts as his equal. Though she has fewer soldiers holding her white energy than the Necromancer’s green, she may be more individually powerful than him but they seem on an equal field of play.

Close Contenders for the Ultimate Evil[]

Toilet Emperor[]

This powerful Titan expertly commanded his kind to repeated victories against the alliance. He commanded extreme power. Unfortunately he cannot be considered the Ultimate Evil as he was betrayed, defeated, and brainwashed by the Necromancer and Phantom Toilets.

Alliance Administrators[]

These mysterious individuals lead the alliance and through some dialogue appear to have something shady happening in the background but time will tell if they are truly evil.

Triadian Homeworld[]

The distant planet home to the Triadian titans is no doubt hostile to Earth after the enslavement of the Tri-Titan and the death of the pair of Triadian sent to free it. If they will send more to desolate Earth is yet to be seen.
