The Ultimate Evil Wiki

Behind you.
~ Sekhmet to the player, before jumpscaring them.
Thoth: Well played, mortals. I yield. Come out, Sekhmet. It is pointless to continue now.
Sekhmet: No, this isn't over yet...!
Thoth: Oh, but it is. The artifacts have all been reclaimed. The Protector has been assembled... and your servants have run for the hills, have they not? There is no reason to continue our efforts this night.
Sekhmet: I suppose not... if there is no more to be done here, then let us return home at once. This place reeks, anyway...
Gracie: Wait!
Thoth: Oh?
Gracie: Why were you two so dead set on destroying humanity, anyway?
Thoth: Why indeed! What a silly question. The sooner we bring about the end of mankind, the sooner we get to remake it! Have YOU ever created anything? It’s quite fun.
Gracie: What!? You can’t just erase us and start over like we don’t matter!
Thoth: Says you. We’ve already done it plenty of times before. If you don’t like our methods then come stop us. Oh that’s right, you can’t. You’re far too insignificant for that, aren’t you? Ha ha ha! But enough of that. Let us return home, Sekhmet.
Sekhmet: Yes, let's.
~ Thoth and Sekhmet in the "Good Ending".

Thoth and Sekhmet are the main antagonists of the 2022 indie horror comedy videogame Artifacts and Antiquity. They are a duo of Egyptian deities who wish to bring the end of the world to remake humanity, something that they have already done multiple other times before.

Actions and Characteristics[]

  • They both are the most heinous villains in all of Zed_Technician's games, having committed multiple omnicides and claimed countless victims.
    • While Thoth is slightly less evil than Sekhmet since, unlike her, he has a few mitigating qualities, he ultimately isn't much better than her since he's very gleeful about destroying and remaking humanity and is shown to be arrogant.
  • They both are the most powerful villains in the series, being literal gods.
  • While serving as the villains of a single game, they ultimately have the most influence in the entire series given that they're a bigger threat than any other villain.


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External Links[]
